Why do Mormons Revere Joseph Smith So Much?
Last year my wife and I spent a lot of our time with a real estate agent as we shopped for our first home. For a few months we went out with this agent and viewed home after home. Through this process we began to develop a friendship with this man. We learned that he…
General Conference
Every April and October members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) gather in locations around the world to be instructed by living prophets and apostles of Jesus Christ. Over the next two days, March 31 and April 1 2012, these inspired men of God will teach the world about the Gospel…
Ten Years
I assumed that first period AP Chemistry class that day would be just as it had been for the first few weeks of school. When I walked into the classroom, however, I knew that something was wrong. The TV was on and I saw that the first tower of the World Trade Center was on…
It is for Us the Living
On this Memorial Day we remember those that have made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve and protect our sacred freedoms. Those brave men that have gone before us deserve our honor and respect. They also deserve our continued vigilance to preserve freedom and the Constitution of the United States. As Abraham Lincoln said in his…
NASA’s Future Space Capsule
I saw this today and thought it was interesting. I’ve been really interested lately in the progress of SpaceX, a private space company. I’ve been a bit leery of private companies going into space because I’ve followed NASA for so long but I think they really may have something here. I like some things about this new…
The Immediate Atonement
“Verily I say unto you my son, thy sins are forgiven thee.” How many of us have longed to hear those words? How many of us feel that we don’t deserve to have our sins forgiven? I know that I have felt this way in my life. It can often be difficult as a believer…