Category: Holiday
Good Thursday
As I was readying bible stories with my daughter tonight, I was pondering on how we as Christians often focus so much on Good Friday and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ that we forget what happened to Him the day before that all-important day. In some ways, perhaps, what happened on “Good Thursday” was even…
Christmas Eve 1968
On December 24, 1968 the crew of Apollo 8 were about to come back to earth after being the first humans to orbit the moon. As they came around the moon they caught this beautiful image of the earth rising above the horizon of the moon. As they approached their final lunar sunrise before returning…
The Christmas Spirit
Intentionally focusing on the true meaning of Christmas draws us to Christ I must admit, I’ve been struggling with this a bit this year. I’ve had a lot on my mind these last few days and have been feeling discouraged about what I see going on in the world. I’ve been concerned with the reaction…
O Come, O Come Immanuel
Immanuel (or Emmanuel) means God with Us. The birth of Jesus Christ the son of God was prophesied centuries before He was born of Mary in Bethlehem. The prophecies of Him, fortold his virgin birth, His life and His atoning sacrifice. Christ, as a member of the Godhead and therefore as a God himself, literally fulfilled…
Ten Years
I assumed that first period AP Chemistry class that day would be just as it had been for the first few weeks of school. When I walked into the classroom, however, I knew that something was wrong. The TV was on and I saw that the first tower of the World Trade Center was on…
It is for Us the Living
On this Memorial Day we remember those that have made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve and protect our sacred freedoms. Those brave men that have gone before us deserve our honor and respect. They also deserve our continued vigilance to preserve freedom and the Constitution of the United States. As Abraham Lincoln said in his…