Category: Government

  • What do I do now?

    What do I do now?

    Questions What do I tell my boys now? Where is the example of standing by values and convictions? Can I trust that my boys will be safe from ridicule and persecution as we camp? How do I help them face the growing evil in the world? These questions and many like them have been crowding my…

  • Ten Years

    Ten Years

    I assumed that first period AP Chemistry class that day would be just as it had been for the first few weeks of school. When I walked into the classroom, however,  I knew that something was wrong. The TV was on and I saw that the first tower of the World Trade Center was on…

  • Morning vs Mourning in America

    Morning vs Mourning in America

    This was posted on Facebook earlier today and I thought it might be something that a few of you would enjoy.  I have to thank my friend Eleesha for pointing out these videos.  I’ve become quite the admirer of Ronald Reagan and I thought it was fun to see this old ad and how the…

  • Obama’s Lack of Trust in the American People

    Obama’s Lack of Trust in the American People

    The free world is cringing at the liberty-killing health care mandate that is President Obama’s signature piece of legislation.  There are many aspects of ObamaCare that are distasteful to the American people but the purpose of this short article is not to discuss those details of this law.  I’d like to discuss what I believe…

  • The Business of Family

    The Business of Family

    While I was exploring the University of Texas at Austin this July, I discovered a statue and a plaque that were quiet interesting to me. The plaque was at the base of a statue of a father and mother holding their young child. They are looking upward together.  They are striving for a better world…

  • A Woman’s Nation

    Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy I thought this was a very interesting report on the shifting ideas of the upcoming generation’s perspective on gender roles and in particular the role of women in the workplace and in society. Look closely at the numbers presented. What do you think…